YES! You Can Land a Job (Even) in a Crummy Economy

(Paperback) By Therese Marie

In 2009, the national economic picture was bleak, but the metro-Detroit area’s employment situation was even more dismal.  Therese Marie was inspired to write this book to teach the thousands of displaced workers in her region how to “become their own recruiter.” The book is an easy-to-follow guide that takes job seekers at all levels through the step-by-step process she employed and refined over the course of 20+ years recruiting and placing candidates.

The book is written in an easy-to-read style, but most importantly, is presented in an easy-to-apply fashion.  It not only informs/educates readers about what it takes to land a job; it helps them apply that knowledge in real time. Although written in 2009, its concepts and strategies still hold true in today’s less dismal, yet ever-challenging recruitment market.

“I am adding your book to my personal lending library at the office so my staff and others can enjoy it too.  The systematic and straight-forward, while encouraging approach speaks well to readers and truly gives our great Michiganians valuable support to succeed.” ~Governor Jennifer M. Granholm

“YES!  You Can Land a Job (even) in a Crummy Economy”  is quite unique among a field of other books in this area, due in large part to its amazing relevance to those first time job seekers and to those who’ve been through job seeking in the past.  Therese’s energy and sincerity come through immediately and serve to hold the reader throughout.  While she acknowledges ‘traditional’ methods, she presents a novel twist on goal-oriented networking which is far more timely today.  She asks the reader questions, and works through creatively allowing the reader to engage totally in the process, rather than simply providing a list of ‘dos and don’ts.’  The planful approach she presents clearly evidences not only her passion for this topic, but demonstrates her credibility earned via her extensive business experience.  I’ve shared this book with my students, friends, and family members, and their response has been uniformly positive.”

“My compliments to the author!  I came home and started reading your book and found it to be very informative and easy to read.  You have a clear and concise way of expressing your topics.  I especially enjoyed the way you would give information and then immediately follow it up with a concrete example.  This book is a great reference guide for anyone.”

“Your book is a very easy read and implemented. Due to the content of the material, I have decided to take my thoughts to the Director of Career Services and the Dean.  I’m confident that the strategies you’ve revealed in “Yes, You Can Land A Job” will be beneficial to students headed out to the work force.  I also noticed that you incorporated findings from the book “The Secret”-‘Thoughts become reality’, a statement I have applied to my way of life for sometime now. As well as eliminating the word “try” from my vocabulary. Why? Honestly, what is “trying”, either you “do” or you “don’t”!  Again Therese, I thank you for your words of wisdom and now that I have read your book once, I’m ready to go back and tackle each step one at a time.”

“Having been on both sides (employed and in transition), I found the information in the book to be very valuable in terms of my being able to communicate to those in transition not to follow the “traditional” route to seek career opportunities.  Gone are the days of sending the resume and cover letter to a potential employer with the hopes of getting in front of the hiring manager.  The importance of networking could not have been communicated enough.  It is important for those individuals working and in transition to get comfortable with networking and make it part of their daily lives.  Don’t wait until you are unemployed to start networking, by this time it may be too late.  The book provides the perfect path and tools, and is a true blueprint for you to set out on your journey of finding your ideal career opportunity.”

Price: $14.95

Shipping & Handling $3.50 for first book, $0.75 each additional book on the order

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