When a friend and early mentor gave me a sweatshirt for my birthday bearing the words “Perpetual State of Transition,” I thought it funny but very fitting. So much so that I framed the shirt and still keep it prominently displayed on my bookshelf. My experiences of transition have proven valuable to clients – those in career transition and those whose careers and lives have been affected by addiction.
My career transitions span 30 years in the people business. They include moving from a corporate HR role to a successful career as an account executive in large recruiting company, to establishing a boutique search firm, to developing a coaching practice for leaders and leadership teams in transition, and most recently to creating of a sub-niche of executive coaching tailored to help high-accountability professionals whose lives have been impacted by alcoholism or addiction. This niche continues to grow.
In the last few years, as I became more intimately engaged with leaders in the substance abuse and mental health industries, I recognized the talent drought among the top tiers of organizations. “Our professional field has a serious workforce crisis,” writes NAADAC Past-President, Kirk Bowden, PhD in a recent publication for addictions professionals. This crisis is a result of our aging general U.S. professional population and the retirement of baby boomers holding key leadership roles. Recognizing this trend, I made the decision to make yet another transition. Offering executive search and recruitment services to support the growth of an industry that is in desperate need of talented leaders. This transition lets me live true to my vision, focus on what’s important while doing the work that I love: transitioning leaders…via recruitment and coaching.
Yes, 30 years of personal and professional transitions have equipped me to help my clients navigate effectively through their transitions. Using the words of my personal trainer, an award-winning body builder, “I help my clients avoid injury.” I’ve been there, done that, so I can offer clients a perspective that helps them avoid some of the pain and allay some of the fear that show up during times of transition.
Meet Therese – A Video Introduction
Link to Therese Marie’s Chronological Resume